Wednesday, September 24, 2014

BER Flash Fiction Contest Results

We had a busy summer reading approximately 500 pieces of flash fiction from over 300 entrants to our 2014 Flash Fiction Contest. All of us on the editorial staff can say with honesty that many different stories caught our attention. Without a strong submission pool from which to read, we could not have selected such excellent stories for our top three placeholders. Sincere thanks to everyone who entered. Now, after many months of reading and discussing submissions, the results are in!

1st Place: Jen Fawkes, "Insight" & "Well-built Men"
2nd Place: Jose Araguz, "Relinquished" & "Look"
3rd Place: Molly Fuller, "How to date a doctor"

We're very proud and excited to publish all of these stories, each of which will appear in BER 13. Congratulations to the winners, and thanks again to all who sent us their work!

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